Michael Humblet

Michael Humblet is obsessed with designing, building and scaling sales engines and founder of Chaomatic, focused on unlocking & maximizing revenue growth trusted by over +230 companies. He is a seasoned sales strategist who served in different Sales Leadership functions. Michael Humblet is the host of The Sales Acceleration Show, the sales and marketing focused Q&A show on how to accelerate your business.


Sales Training


WHY NOW – release on December 6

Verkoop is ingrijpend veranderd in de laatste jaren. Maar zijn je verkopers dat ook? Hoe is het gesteld met je verkoopstechnieken? Naast digitale schaalbaarheid ligt de snelheid en ritme van verkoop helemaal anders dan een tijd geleden. Succesvolle ondernemingen hebben manieren gevonden om hiermee om te gaan en er zelfs op te anticiperen.

Dit boek bouwt op ervaring met meer dan 350 ondernemingen die aan hun verkoopsstrategie hebben gesleuteld. Het toont de ideale architectuur van ieder salesverhaal aan met pragmatische voorbeelden. Op die manier werkt het als een gids die inspireert om zelf aan de slag te gaan.

The perfect content strategy Ft. Ludwig Dumont

How to build your content strategy that converts? What do you post, how do you scale it, what do you scale (the person or the company)…so many questions and very good answers from Ludwig Dumont, founder of Willow. Oh and yes, we do talk about thought leadership and scaling that shizzle to get more leads also.
Watch all the episodes

Upcoming events

Sales Foundations – Sales of tomorrow, delivered today


Sales has changed dramatically over the last years because the way your prospect buy changed fundamentally. But did you? How up to date are you with all the latest sales methodologies and sales techniques to close more deals?

I want to be there

Build your perfect pitch – based on the Why Now model


Dit is de meest volledige opleiding voor sales leaders in de Benelux. Deze intensieve training gaat je alles leren wat je moet weten om succesvol te zijn als sales leader in 2022 en in de toekomst.

Let’s get my ticket

WHY NOW boek launch


De exclusieve boek launch van WHY NOW

Ik wil erbij zijn
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Book: Nobody Knows You

The biggest hurdle between you and your plans for growth is this: nobody knows you.

This is true if you’re a freelancer, an employee, an executive, even a company founder. You may be going all out with your company brand, but you’ve neglected to hone your own. The first thing your business needs to grow… is you.

With the insights in this book, you’ll set out your strategy and create content. Not just any content, but content that matters. Content that makes you tick and brings you the right contacts. Build your thought leadership and leverage it as a mechanism to scale your business—starting with yourself.

+10 000 entrepreneurs and companies receive monthly Sales Advice in their mailbox


It all starts with a conversation