1. Problem
Under pressure: this is how you create your Why Now
Find your prospects’ problem and make it bigger. This is how you can increase and accelerate the WHY NOW? HIre comes a lot of sales technique. In the book we give an overview of all sales methodologies and how you can adapt them to perfectly land the WHY NOW?, the internal pressure.

2. Attention
Under pressure: this is how you create your Why Now
Everything starts with attention. If you don’t keep your attention throughout your sales pitch your message won’t come across. Attention is the key to getting your message across and focusing your prospect’s attention on the WHY NOW?

3. Trust
Under pressure: this is how you create your Why Now
Trust is the most important thing in sales. Without trust there is no sale. There are lots of techniques to obtain this even before you have said 1 word. Using examples, logos, pictures and figures, we can solve this.

4. Structure
Under pressure: how to create your Why Now
Structure in a sales pitch ensures that your sales deal will accelerate. After the turmoil you created in the WHY NOW? piece, you need to create calm again to remove all possible objections. There are some great examples and use cases in the book that you can so adopt to speed up your deal. This way you bring speed to your sale.

5. Next actions
Under pressure: this is how you create your Why Now
Get your prospects to spring into action, to take an action every time you speak to them. The WHY NOW? book gives you a unique system that works every time and shows your perfect way to always guide your prospect to the next step. It’s closing time.